Baby Milestones and Child Milestones to Track Development
2 Months
4 Months
6 Months
9 Months
12 Month Milestones
18 Month Milestones
19-24 Month Milestones
36 Month Milestones
Developmental Milestones by Age
Children experience significant growth across physical, emotional, social, and cognitive domains. Knowing what to expect at each stage helps you understand your child’s progress and recognize any areas where they may need additional support. Below is an outline of common developmental milestones grouped by age, giving you insight into their evolving abilities and behavior.
By 2 Months
- Motor Skills: Begins to push up during tummy time and may lift head briefly.
- Social Interaction: Shows first signs of social smiling, responding to others.
- Communication: Starts to coo, indicating early communication efforts.
By 4 Months
- Motor Skills: Holds head steady, can push down with legs when on a flat surface.
- Social Interaction: Engages more with others, may mimic facial expressions.
- Communication: Makes varied sounds to express emotions, responding to familiar voices.
By 6 Months
- Motor Skills: Sits with support, reaches for objects, may start to roll over.
- Social Interaction: Displays enjoyment in play, may show curiosity in surroundings.
- Communication: Begins to babble, reacts to sounds by turning head.
By 9 Months
- Motor Skills: Starts to crawl, pulls to stand, improved hand coordination.
- Social Interaction: Plays interactive games like peek-a-boo, shows attachment to familiar faces.
- Communication: Recognizes simple words, may use gestures like waving or pointing.
By 12 Months
- Motor Skills: Stands independently, may take first steps.
- Social Interaction: Displays a range of emotions, including shyness or nervousness with strangers.
- Communication: Says a few basic words, follows simple directions.
By 18 Months
- Motor Skills: Walks independently, begins to climb onto and down from furniture.
- Social Interaction: Shows affection, explores alone but with a parent nearby.
- Communication: Expands vocabulary, follows simple instructions.
By 24 Months
- Motor Skills: Runs, kicks a ball, and begins to climb.
- Social Interaction: Shows defiant behavior, increasing independence.
- Communication: Forms simple sentences, names familiar objects and people.
By 36 Months
- Motor Skills: Climbs well, pedals a tricycle, builds tower of blocks.
- Social Interaction: Cooperates with other children, expresses a wide range of emotions.
- Communication: Speaks in sentences, follows complex instructions.
These milestones provide a roadmap to understanding your child’s growth, helping you recognize and celebrate new achievements. However, remember that each child develops at their own pace. If you have concerns about your child’s development, consult a healthcare professional for guidance.